Service Area

Nationwide Truck & Heavy Equipment Appraisal Solutions

Appraisal Services in all 50 States including Alaska and Hawaii

We use zip codes to match an inspection request to the closest Hub Office in our network. The Hub Office location is used as the base for calculating service fees. If the assignment is over 60 miles in one direction from the closest network hub office, we will call the assigning client for permission before the inspection.

Our call center either dispatches the Heavy Equipment Specialist to the site or calls the inspection contact to set an inspection appointment at the contact’s convenience, depending on the client's preference.

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Digital Technology

Our Field Specialists complete scope of damage and specification reports using tablet inspection devices and digital cameras. Client supplied inspection forms can be loaded into our tablets. Completed assignments are transmitted via the internet. IDA clients and their customers can receive completed assignments, inspection files and updates via internet.

Our Technology